Life is beautiful. We paint it with colors to make it more beautiful. Allah S.W.T gave beauty to some of us with a purpose, a test, on how we use it. People this days, would do anything. anything. as long as they can be under the spotlight of glam. They want to have a glamorous life where attention and admiration are given.
Life is a lot easier if you know who you are,
what you like and
have boundaries within yourself.
But some, given beauty, they choose to stay away from that kinda life. They choose to devote themselves to Islam. They use it as a stepping stone of inspiration to others.
Great personality will always make you more attractive than someone who only has a great face.
Ask yourself. Look deep into yourself. Find that inner beauty within. Whoever said that there is no beauty's on the inside is a liar.
Writtin by Aiman Ariffin