
Bismillah Al Rahman Al Rahim,

From HIM we come from, to HIM we shall return.
Dari Allah(SWT) kita datang, padaNya kita kembali

Many of us often forget how fortunate we are to be able to stand on our own feet, to be able to walk, to be able to taste bitter & sweet, to be able to see colors, and to be able to love and be loved.

Many of us often forget the beauty of friendship, companion, and brotherhood.

Many of us often forget to forgive, to let go, to be the bigger person in life.

Many of us often fail to notice, to appreciate, to be thankful for what they have and what they can do and what other people would do for them.

Many of us often forget until the time when we lost everything, when its too late for redemption, when its too late to turn back time, when its too late for a second chance.

"Life is short, time is fast, no replay, no rewind, so enjoy every single moment" - Mariana Miller.


Anonymous said…
Yet, many of us forget how precious they are. They've forgotten why they are here, in this world at the first place. Just maybe they've forgotten their promise to Rabb once.

And yes, many of us forget that this world is just a temporary station. It is tiring to live life in this world. Hatred, rejection and all, it is tiring to handle all of those. But just maybe we've forgotten the blessing in disguise. Who knows, with all the pain, the suffer; Jannah will be place for us to rest with our beloved ones. No hatred, no pain, no suffer. Eternal love.

An inspiring blog you guys have here. May Allah guide you guys always and yes, may Allah protect you guys. All the best in your future undertakings. You have my prayer along in your steps inshaAllah ☺

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